Lion Rocker Connect – April 2021

Speaking of breast cancer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are the most common treatment and management option we can think about. In fact, it is more than

this. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the recovery of breast cancer patients.

During the normal recovery pathway, it is not uncommon to see patients with increased fatigue and lethargy. Patient hence reduces physical activities. As physiotherapist, we see this as a vicious cycle as patient becomes deconditioned and then further reduces exercises. This could be detrimental to a breast cancer patient’s recovery.

Therefore, physiotherapy plays an essential role in re-building the strength, assisting patient to return to normal activity level and improving quality of life of the patients.

It is recommended that breast cancer patients should be exercising at a ‘moderate-intensity exercise level’ for 4-5 times per week, each time 30 minutes workout (Breast Cancer Network Australia).

This means relatively ‘hard to breathe’ as you exercise. Depending on the patient conditions, we are also able to adjust to their suitable level when training specific upper limb and lower limb exercises. It is proven that regular exercises can improve their quality of life(Elizabeth S Dylke, Sharon Kilbreath2015)

Despite re-strengthening of muscle mass, it is also very common to see joint related problems post operation or mastectomy.

At times, patients might also present with an increase of fluid around lymph nodes or shoulders. We can take care of these problems with physiotherapy management and treatment as well.

For instance, we have lymph node drainage massage techniques, muscle inhibition techniques to release muscle tightness, and joint mobilisation techniques to facilitate mobility restoration.

At Nicholson Road Physiotherapy, we strive to achieve client’s goals. Therefore, we usually go through goal-settings on initial assessment.

Once the exercise program is established, we also provide an exercise diary for clients to be able to keep track of their progress.

Our clinic also offers regular clinical Pilates exercise class, supervised exercise assessment and class, and hydrotherapy.

Our close relationship with the Riverton Leisureplex Fitness Centre, also enable us to refer clients to a gym appropriate environment for long-term management of their conditions.