
Women’s Health Physio

Women’s Health Physiotherapy

    • Our team of Women’s Health Physiotherapists is experienced in the treatment and management of antenatal conditions, including pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, pregnancy-related musculoskeletal pain (pelvic girdle pain or lower back pain), abdominal separation, caesarean or perineal scar management and breast issues.
    • We see all females across the lifespan, from the young athlete, the childbearing woman, the menopausal and elderly woman.

Women’s Health Physio Services

    • Bladder issues like incontinence, overactive bladder and urinary urgency
    • Bowel issues like constipation
    • Pelvic organ prolapse
    • Pelvic or vaginal pain like pain with intercourse
    • Pelvic floor strengthening
    • Exercise prescription

Pregnancy and post natal physiotherapy

Find out more about Physiotherapy during pregnancy and how we can help you

We look after you during your pregnancy and after delivery

Our team is experienced in pregnancy and postnatal care

Snapshot of our Women’s Health Services

Pregnancy Assessment

Our pregnancy assessment is suitable at any point in time during your pregnancy. Our experienced Women’s Health Physiotherapist can assist with pelvic floor and abdominal function, low back pain and pelvic pain and create a tailored management plan including activity and exercise advice specific to your goals. Through your physiotherapist, you will also have access to pregnancy Pilates classes where you will be given an individualised program in a semi-private class. Your program will include upper and lower limb strengthening, pelvic floor activation and mobility exercises specifically designed for your current trimester.

Post Natal Assessment

During pregnancy and child birth, a woman’s body goes through a huge amount of change and wonderful transformation. The changes that occur include increased laxity of the pelvic ligaments as well as significant load through your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. From six weeks following both a caesarean and vaginal birth, it is important for women to have a thorough post-natal assessment by a trained Women’s Health Physiotherapist. A post-natal review allows you to discuss and manage any problems that you are experiencing, prevent any injuries occurring, support you in returning safely to exercise and sexual intercourse; ensuring that your body fully heals following pregnancy and birth.

Mastitis Treatment

Mastitis is a condition where the breast becomes inflamed, often as a result of a bulked milk duct that hasn’t cleared. Mastitis generally occurs in the first three months after your baby’s birth but can occur at other times. Normally, an area of the breast is red and tender and there may also be a lump where the duct is blocked. Therapeutic ultrasound is used to unblock milk ducts by using soundwaves. A single session of ultrasound therapy can often assist in decreasing painful symptoms significantly.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Prolapse, which is a feeling of a lump or bulge in the vagina, can occur in both the post-natal and peri-menopausal periods of life and can impact on a woman’s quality of life. Pelvic floor muscle exercises are effective at reducing symptoms of prolapse. A physiotherapist can also advise on the correct ways to lift objects, open bowels and exercise while managing a prolapse. A silicon pessary inserted into the vagina can be another way to help women to continue to exercise more comfortably.

Pelvic Pain, Sexual Pain & Dysfunction Vaginismus

A common, but not often talked about, pelvic floor issue is the inability for women to enjoy sexual intercourse. One component of this problem is pelvic floor muscle tightness and involuntary clenching of the muscles with penetration. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help by teaching the muscles to relax, stretching tight pelvic muscles, as well as using vaginal dilators to gradually allow intercourse.


Vulvodynia or vulval pain is the pain anywhere around the entrance to the vagina. Women can experience pain with certain triggers such as wearing tight pants, bike riding, sitting and sexual intercourse. Pelvic floor muscle relaxation exercises and stretching, as well as learning about the science behind pain and stress reduction, can help resolve vulval pain.

Clinics that provide Women’s health services