Lion Rocker Physiotherapy is a BUPA Member First provider. It means you get more money back.

No surprise, more savings

At Lion Rocker Road Physiotherapy, you will get 60% to 100% back on physiotherapy visits depending on your cover.

Kid pays nothing

What’s more, kids under parents’s family policies* pay nothing out of pocket until they turn 25.

On the spot claim

Do not worry about getting an invoice and claiming back. Just bring your BUPA card or digital card on myBupa app, we will do the rest for you.

We can give you a quote

Visit our clinic and we will be able to give you a quote on how much you will get back.

*only on an eligible policy. Check with BUPA to see if you are eligible.

Terms and conditions apply. Nicholson Road Physiotherapy is a participated member of the BUPA FIRST PROVIDER. Please refer to BUPA for eligibility.